What mind-boggling things are left behind when departing the San Francisco Bay Area?
-Cold wind and fog. Some famous writer said that the coldest winter he ever experienced was summer in San Francisco. I can vouch for that.
-Sunny days but nearly always with a cold wind blowing
-Traffic beyond belief, always way too many cars on the freeways, arterials, secondary roads and parking lots.
- Angry, competitive drivers. They insist on following one foot off your rear bumper, racing you to the next exit or stop light and they apparently have never heard of courtesy. And they don’t know what a turn signal is for.
- Dangerous pedestrians and bicyclists. You have to look out for them because they pay no attention to you.
- Bleached blonds everywhere.
- Two cities with enormous homicide and violence crime rates, Oakland and San Jose.
- One City with an enormously inflated self image? Hint: It believes the Golden Gate Bridge is the most beautiful, wonderful structure on this earth.
- Trees, grass, flowers all manicured and planted/maintained by landscapers. Real nature is difficult to find.
- Geese, Canadian Geese have taken up residence in these manicured developments. That means watch where you step, it is probably covered with goose droppings.
- Unfriendly, non-social neighbors throughout. It seems everyone either commutes to jobs miles away or works at home. They’re invisible either way.
- An enormous population in the Silicon Valley totally focused on “the next big thing”. Yes technology, the promised-land to invent a new app or some new company that will make them a millionaire.
- My heart….you know the Tony Bennett song, “I left my heart in San Francisco.”
What would I miss? Huh, good question.
Mind-boggling! On the road again…….still looking for paradise.
Stan the Man