Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I'm a Winner!

Yes, through the last 30 days I have been involved in a contest. A participant's goal is to write a novel of a minimum of 50,000 words in those 30 days. I find it mind-boggling that I actually made that goal last night and am a winner. I do truly find that mind-boggling. So far however, I don't know the end of the novel. I'm still writing toward that goal. The title of my novel is The Last Client. It draws on my years in the mental health system and is a novelized exposure of some of the not-so-pretty underbelly of that system. Watch for its publishing some day.

This writing has taken fortitude and resilience. It takes a lot of hunt and peck to get a 52,000 word masterpiece completed, which was my total. Thanks to everyone who supported and tolerated this effort, particularly my wonderful wife. It has dominated not only my life but her's for 30 days.
Stan the Man

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