They come from all over the U.S.A. From the West Coast, the East Coast, the Southwest, the Midwest. From the Deep South, from the Northeast and even from New Jersey they flock. All parts of the Earth are represented. They travel from Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Australia. China and Japan are represented by large numbers. The courageous ones travel individually, others come in school groups or in families and multitudes come in tour groups. They speak strange languages. They bring money with them and leave billions of dollars here every year. They obstruct the pedestrian flow as they meander about looking in store windows and up at buildings that scrape the sky. They crowd onto buses and steal the available cabs. They seem to enjoy the opportunity to stand in lines for hours waiting for an opportunity to take a tour boat to the Statue of Liberty or an elevator to the Top of the Rock or the Empire State Building. Broadway productions are another of their favorites. Usually, hanging from their necks are expensive cameras for taking pictures of their companions adorning the Wall Street Bull and much more.
Yes, if you have guessed I speak of tourists, you are correct. Last year a mind-boggling 48.7 million of them came to New York City. This City of some 9 million residents is already crowded with barely enough breathing space for those of us who live here. Still we make room for them and encourage them to come and to stay until every last penny they have is spent. Mayor Bloomberg’s goal is 50 million tourists for the current year and judging by the crowds already, I’m sure we’re well on our way. It appears that the tragedy of 9/11 has added numbers. Everyone wants to see ground zero. Tourism is a major industry here. It provides much needed assistance in climbing out of the financial hole caused by the bankers on Wall Street. Of course they are already out of their hole, judging by the enormous salaries and bonuses they report.
Orlando, Florida, the home of Disney World, out-did New York City last year with a reported 5.1 million visitors. That’s a challenge New York City can aspire to: Surpass Orlando! Los Angeles had a measly 23 million.
It’s mind-boggling to experience the hordes, to attempt to go about your everyday business while they take over the city but we love them. Come and visit, we need your money. Take a look at the photos to your right for a glimpse into New York City tourism.
Stan the Man
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