What’s happening in this country of ours is truly mind-boggling. The official unemployment rate is 9.2%, about 14.1 million Americans. The New Yorker magazine estimates the actual rate is 16.2% if those who have given-up, run out of unemployment compensation etc. are counted. That’s nearly 1 in every 6 Americans without a job. Further layoffs announced in June totaled 41,432. So far announced for July are another 23,000 jobs going away. Goldman-Sachs plans on 1000 layoffs before the summer is over. On top of these figures, 142,000 employees of governmental entities have lost their jobs since the first of the year. These are not just numbers. These are people and families who are hurting. They are hurting in many ways. Poverty hurts!
Recent figures indicate the financial gap between the well-to-do population in America and the rest of us is greater than it has ever been. The financial gap between the white population and the Hispanic and Afro-American populations is mind-boggling and that gap is growing wider all the time. Something has to change. We are a country (I thought) that values all of our citizens and that feels we have a responsibility to support those in poverty and those with special needs. Why, at a time when unemployment is high, more and more people are losing their homes, going hungry and living in poverty is our Congress looking for more ways to withdraw much needed services. Now would be the time for the rich folks and corporations to step forward and take some responsibility. But no, they want more tax breaks and more wealth. What has happened to our compassion?
In Washington DC they argue on. They avoid addressing the real issues in our country. We need a re-assessment of our values and to behave consistent with those values. When will we truly address unemployment? When will we acknowledge the inequities in our country being that are being furthered by the fanatical Republicans and the Tea Party? Even the Democrats are failing to provide strong leadership which would move us towards addressing the real issues we must face.
Meanwhile, the two wars the U.S is involved in grind on and on. Latest figures show that 4,465 Americans have died in Iraq. With 11 more reportedly killed this last week in the Afghan War, that’s 1663 servicemen lost there so far. When does it stop? When do we become peaceful abroad and start focusing on re-building our own country? We could well be on the brink of disaster if our direction doesn’t change.
Stan the Man
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