Saturday, August 27, 2011

Mind-Boggling Irony

Yes, mind-boggling irony. We have an apartment in Miami Beach. A week or so ago I was lying in bed worrying about what might happen to that lovely place as Hurricane Irene was approaching that area. I called our caretaker in Miami to make sure everything was ready. He said he would take care of it. Sweet relief from that worry.
Then Irene turned a corner to the north and started up the East Coast coming into North Carolina, Virginia and has taken dead aim at New York City where we are living. We are one block from the mandatory evacuation area along the waterfront. We debated whether to stay or go but decided to stand pat and rough it out in our second floor apartment. The predicted 8 foot storm surge and 12 inches of torrential rain shouldn’t come this high. Biggest worry is our very large 15x5 foot windows without coverings that could potentially blow out. We will see what happens. We’ve got plenty of food, water and other essentials. I have no pictures to add to this post but perhaps I will after the storm on Monday.
The ultimate irony is that the owner of our place we were so worried about on Miami Beach a week ago is named Irene.
Wish us safety and luck.
Stan the Man

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