Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mind-Boggling Change of Season

It is autumn in NYC again. The rate with which it arrives from summer is mind-boggling. How do we know it has arrived? We take a walk around lower Manhattan. Among the signs of autumn are:
The changing colors of the leaves in the parks. There are a few trees, believe it or not, in this concrete jungle.
The hot humid, smog filled atmosphere has been replaced by blue skies, clear air and a chilly 30 mph wind from the northwest racing down the Hudson River. The dirty brown water froths with white waves.
Increased tourist traffic is everywhere. It seems that the fall colors of the northeast and the cooler weather rejuvenate the tourist trade.
The lines to board the tour boats to the Statue of Liberty are several blocks long. They are urgent visitors who only have until Oct. 28th when the Lady will close for a year during her renovation.
The beautiful display of Geraniums in Battery Park is gone. Park crews have taken them somewhere and are busy mulching and trimming for the winter.
The clothes of the throngs on the streets and sidewalks have transitioned from t-shirts and shorts to fleece jackets, sweatshirts and topcoats. The garment colors of summer are gone with the advent of fall. Everything worn is black.
The Weather Channel is reporting a foot of snow in Denver this morning that will be arriving in upstate New York tomorrow with rain and flood warnings elsewhere in New York. Temperatures are in the 40s and 50s instead of 70s and 80s.
Halloween shops and goodies are available everywhere.
Turkeys are hiding out, not wanting to be part of our upcoming Thanksgiving feast.
New car models for 2012 are out and being promoted. On display on Broadway yesterday was the new little Fiat 500. We’re trying to decide between a Mazda and a MINI or if we win Powerball maybe a Maserati.
And a sure sign it is autumn and that winter is coming quickly: We are dreaming of Florida, California, the Virgin Islands, Hawaii or Belize. Which one will it be this winter. Thanksgiving will be in Florida, we know that much.
A mind-boggling surprise this fall is that the demonstrators down the street who are Occupying Wall Street are still there in force after more than a month. We didn’t think they would last that long. There is no sign yet that the weather will deter them.
Another mind-boggling sign of fall is that the World Series is underway and the Yankees are on vacation. The Giants and the Jets are playing but where are the Knicks?
Finally, so-called progress continues as 1 World Trade Center continues its climb to the sky, adding at least one new floor every week.
Stan the Man & Katherine the Great

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