Returning from Florida to New York City we find that the “Occupy Wall Street” demonstration, movement or whatever we should call it now is surviving and well. Anybody who watches the news or reads newspapers is well informed about what’s happening. We have a window on Zuccotti Park which is a block from Wall Street. This is the birth place of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement. Yes, I think that’s what I will call it. Of course it all started here one month ago today and has now spread throughout the country and has gone global. These folks have been expressing their message in primarily peaceful demonstrations and marches. In Rome, I understand things got out of hand and became violent with demonstrators doing an estimated $1.4 million dollars worth of damage to property. That is unfortunate and certainly has not been the mood or intention here in New York City, at least from my observations. I walk among the “occupiers” and feel no threat of violence but rather a sense of persistence that comes out of real commitment to their causes. When the owners of the park and the City stated they would have to temporarily vacate to allow the area to be cleaned what happened? They gathered brooms, mops and other cleaning utensils and cleaned it themselves. They were not forced to leave.
The “Occupy Wall Street” folks are growing in number daily. Over this last weekend they moved their occupation to Times Square. Several thousand participated peacefully. Yesterday (Sunday) we walked through the park. There must be close to a thousand camped there with others milling around. The conservatives of our country would have us believe they are simply a bunch of young hippy types. That is not true by any stretch of the imagination. Spend a little time with them and it becomes obvious. Yes, the main issue is what they call the greed of Wall Street Banks and Corporations but there are many other causes. There’s an 87 year old veteran of World War II who opposes the current wars we are engaged in. There’s a 57 year old retired teacher who is there with her daughter, an engineer. They want to set an example for emerging democracies. There’s a 23 year old homeless man who simply see’s a need for unity. There are seniors who want to insure that Medicare and Social Security are maintained. People of all ages that fear the loss of their jobs and retirement are there as well. This could be the seeds of revolution
According to the New York Times, Wall Street Bankers generally dismiss the protesters, saying they are gullible and unsophisticated. Not many are willing to say this out loud for fear of drawing public ire. According to the Times, one hedge fund manager stated, “Anybody who dismisses them is putting a bulls-eye on their back.” I’d say, apparently the “Occupy Wall Street” movement is working if it has initiated that kind of fear amongst the Wall Street Bankers who have never really been challenged in any meaningful way before now.
I had wondered why there had been no marching in the streets, no demonstrations. Just a month ago I wondered if any one cared about the condition of our economy, unemployment, the right-wingers threatening to take over and much more. I found it mind-boggling that nothing was being done. There didn’t seem to be any resistance. Now the “Wall Street Occupation” has energized and focused the resistance. More power to them!
Stan the Man
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