Monday, September 28, 2020

Mind-boggling Current Affairs-

It's overwhelming whats going on in this country right now. How does one make sense of a crazy presidential election coming up, a Pandemic decimating our country with no clear direction to end it, racial in-justice and more. 

One of the problems is how do we know how to tell the truth from lies or distorted truths? I don't have the answers--I'm as confused as the next guy. 

I do believe that the 200,000+ Americans who have died from the COVID didn't need to die--at least we could have saved a substantial number with a better plan.

I've also come to the conclusion that Joe Biden is our safest bet for the immediate future. This is brief post but I have come to these two conclusions.

All we have are our own thoughts and conclusions to guide us. I hope every one will think long and hard.

Stan the Man     

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