Saturday, November 28, 2020

It has been a mind-boggling journey since November 3, 2020 - Election Day. 
Yes, the loser has proven what he really is -- a very poor loser and more. He is attempting to undermine the Biden administration, democracy and the people of this country as he leaves. More of his chaos is not what we needed but that's what we're getting. January 20. 2021 can't come to soon. 

We can look forward to a rational, empathic president and administration during the next four years. Perhaps President Biden won't be the answer to all of this country's problems but he will be trying. Hopefully he will get some help from republicans as well as democrats. It will take all of us working together to heal the deep divides that exist currently. 

The COVID pandemic is a major challenge and will continue to be. There is no immediate or quick solution as many more get infected and die. It is a terrible thing that's happening and much of it could have been prevented with a rational, scientific approach along with a strong leader setting a good example.

We now have an opportunity to change from a negative direction to a positive direction.

A mind-boggling opportunity.

Stan the Man

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